Zero Liquid Discharge Systems

Zero liquid discharge is a process that is beneficial to industrial and municipal organizations as well as the environment because it saves money and no effluent, or discharge, is left over. ZLD systems employ the most advanced wastewater treatment technologies to purify and recycle virtually all of the wastewater produced. Also Zero liquid discharge technologies help plants meet discharge and water reuse requirements, enabling businesses to:

  • Meet stringent cooling tower blowdown and flue gas desulfurization (FGD) discharge regulations.
  • Treat and recover valuable products from waste streams.
  • Better manage produced water.

ZLD technology includes pre-treatment and evaporation of the industrial effluent until the dissolved solids precipitate as crystals. These crystals are removed and dewatered. The water vapor from evaporation is condensed and returned to the process.

  • Plant Discharge Compliance
  • Cooling Tower Blowdown
  • Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD)
  • Gasification Wastewater
  • Coal to Chemicals (CTX) waste
  • IGCC Plant treatment
  • Falling Film Brine Concentrators
  • Forced Circulation Crystallizer
  • Horizontal Spray Film Evaporator
  • Hybrid Systems with Membrane Pre-Concentrators
  • Biological Treatment
  • Solids Waste Handling