Active carbon Filters
Activated carbon is used to remove pollutants from air or water streams, both in the field and in industrial process such as spill cleanup, groundwater remediation, drinking water filtration, air purification, and the capture of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Activated carbon filters and carbon filter media are also used in odor control and reverse osmosis applications.
Active carbon is available in various forms. Examples include activated carbon beds and activated carbon blankets. There are two main types of activated carbon beds: fixed and fluidized beds offer excellent gas distribution and lower resistance to gas flow
Activated carbon blankets are used to absorb fumes and odors from products such as new carpenting, cars, furniture and homes. Some of their features include, large adsorption volume, fast adsorption speed, heat resistance and chemical resistance.
Iron , Manganese and Arsenic Removal Filter
GWS offers a filtration technology, for the removal of troublesome Iron, Manganese and Arsenic from ground water and surface water sources. The water filtration media has extremely high capabilities of removing both iron and manganese simultaneously through low cost catalytic oxidation and retention of precipitate. Sodium hydrochloride is used as the oxidizing agent. The benefit over manganese green sand filters is the higher removal efficiency and less stringent handling procedures required for sodium hydrochloride as opposed to potassium permanganate.
Birm is an efficient and economical method of removing dissolved iron and manganese compounds from raw water supplies. The physical characteristics of Birm provide an excellent filter media which is easily cleaned by backwashing to remove the precipitant. Birm is not consumed by iron removal and therefore offers a tremendous economic advantage over many other iron removal methods. Birm is not meant for removal of hydrogen sulfide or that "rotten egg" odor. A manganese greensand filter , or The Terminator air injection system is more suited for that task.
Manganese Greensand is formulated from a glauconite greensand which is capable of removing iron, manganese and hydrogen sulfide from water through oxidation and filtration. Manganese and soluble iron are oxidized and precipitated by contact with higher oxides of manganese on the greensand granules. The hydrogen sulfied is eliminated by oxidation to sulfate and an insoluble precipitate. When the manganese greensand bed is saturated, it is regenerated with a weak potassium permanganate solution which is rinsed down the drain. The potassium permanganate is available locally at nearly all hardware and home improvement stores
Details of Manganese green sand filters pull iron and sulfur from water. Green sand media requires a chemical called potassium permanganate. Permanganate coats over the green sand every time it backwashes. Permanganate is a strong oxidizer to iron and sulfur. As the water runs thru the green sand the permanganate oxidized the iron and sulfur so the green sand can remove it.
- Iron reduction over wide pH range
- Effective reduction of hydrogen sulfide in addition to iron and/or manganese
- No harmful effects from a chlorine feed
- Low attrition for long bed life
Iron filters using Birm Media utilize dissolved oxygen in the water to help oxidize iron so the birm can remove more efficiently
Terminator Water Treatment Systems
Terminator Water Treatment Systems Eliminate iron, sulphur and turbidity without the use of expensive chemicals. The Terminator can correct rusty water stains and rotten egg odors through its filtration system. Periodic backwashing is all that is required to keep The Terminator working at peak performance. Terminator systems are not recommended for water systems using a jet pump.
- No chemicals to purchase for maintenance. Regeneration not required
- Iron removal efficiency is extremely high.
- Negligible labor cost: only periodicbackwashing required.
Durable material with a long life and wide temperature range.
IRON REMOVAL BY Katalox-Light®: Advanced Catalytic Filter Media
High content(10%) gamma Manganese dioxide (MnO2) coated ZEOSORB
Katalox-Light® Removal methods
- Mechanical Filtration (fine particles, TSS, Turbidity etc.)
- Catalytic precipitation and sorption (Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb etc.)
- Adsorbtion (flocculant formation and adsorption of As, Heavy Metals, Radionuclides)
Filtration (≤ 3 µm) of:
- Total Suspended Solids
- Sediments
- Turbidity
- Organics
- Colour (some, organic)
- Odour
Removal of:
- Iron (Inlet conc. up to. 100 mg/L)
- Manganese (Inlet conc. up to 20 mg/L)
- Arsenic
- Hydrogen sulfide
- Uranium, Radium
- Heavy Metals
- Radionuclide
Best features:
- WQA Certified to meet ANSI/NSF 61 standard for Drinking Water applications
- Very high surface area
- High MnO2 coating (10%)
- Contains NO crystalline Silica
- No mandatory dosing required
- Light weight media - saves backwash water
- Replacement frequency every 7-10 years
Why Katalox-Light is "The Best" compared to other products in the market?
- Much higher gamma Manganese coating (10%) for better filtration, more service life, while keeping the bulk density close to the density of water 1000 kg/m³ (Katalox-Light Bulk Density: 1060 kg/m³).
- Heavier the media requires higher backwash rates and extra pumps (Energy) to backwash. Velocity of 60 - 98 m/h (25 – 40 gpm/ft²) Backwash and rinse rate is normal for Heavier medias.
Advanced Features of Katalox-Light
- Fracking: Reducing radionuclide waste in fracking wastewater
- Industrial waste water
- Cooling tower re-circulation: dramatically reducing the blow-down water and using part of it in re-circulation process
- Reverse Osmosis Pre-treatment: Increasing the membrane life-span 3-4 times more
- Cyanide removal
- Removal of Arsenic by the method of co-precipitation
- Radionuclide removal (Radium, Uranium)
Water Softeners
Hard Water contains dissolved minerals in the form of Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), and Iron (Fe). Removal of these minerals is accomplished by softening the water through an ion exchange process. As the water flows through the mineral tank, the dissolved minerals become attached to the resin, creating soft water. Over a period of time the resin will become exhausted, and the softener will regenerate using a brine solution produced from the salt in the brine tank.
- Prevents Hard Water Scale
- Provides Excellent Scale Prevention Pretreatment for Reverse Osmosis Systems
- Prevents Staining on Bathroom & Kitchen Fixtures as well as Dishes, Dishwasher, Washing Machine & Clothes
- Significantly Reduces Soap and Cleaning Product Consumption
- Reduces Water Heating Costs
- Prolongs Life of RO Membranes, Water Heaters, Icemakers, Dishwashers, Coffeemakers & Plumbing Fixtures